Pritam | India

Growing Up in Rural India

Pritam grew up as an only child in a small village a few hours from Kolkata. His father was a farmer, and money was tight. In recent years, his father’s income had become especially limited due to poor farming conditions.

His parents invested in his college education, but could not pay the fees to cover government exams and other advanced education that is required for many professional jobs. In addition, given that most people in the village were farmers, there was a big information gap. Pritam simply didn’t know what he should major in, and how to translate any higher education into a profitable career later on.

Hard Life in Kolkata

Feeling the urgency to generate some income and help his parents, 2 days after graduating college Pritam set off to Kolkata to find his fortune. He found a job quickly at a hotel, but quickly realized the work was grueling.

He earned 8,000 rupees a month ($95 USD), of which he sent 6,000 rupees back home to his parents, leaving him with very little for his own basic expenses. He shared a “jhopdi,” a kind of informally constructed, makeshift shack, with five others. The physical strain the work entailed by itself was more than he could handle – not to mention his complete lack of free time, as he was working from late at night until early morning. In addition, the hotel staff would rouse him at night to complete various tasks, and he became increasingly stressed and sleep deprived.

After 2 years, he couldn’t go on any further. He quit this job and moved back home to live with his parents in the village, wondering what he might do next.

A Fortuitous Phone Call

6 months later, he received a phone call from Generation India based on a form he had completed at a government employment center earlier.

He was invited to participate in the Customer Care Executive training program, and he eagerly signed up. At Generation, he learned crucial business communication skills, typing skills, and the core mindset needed to navigate the corporate world.

A New Path

After the program, Pritam’s first interview through Generation India landed him a job at mPokket.

The differences were clear. He now earns twice what he did in his previous job in the hotel. He works no more than 8 hours a day in an air-conditioned office. He was given health insurance, sick days, and regular breaks. And vitally, he sees opportunities for advancement in his role. At his current company, there is a clear structure for how promotions can be attained and how one can grow in their career.

In his early twenties, Pritam is still at the beginning of his journey. And now there is new hope for the future. With a better income, Pritam is able to comfortably send money home, cover his own living expenses, and put money away with a clear goal in mind: to build a sturdy house where he and his parents can live comfortably. For Pritam, Generation was a bridge to a better life.

In his words, “Generation showed me a way when I was lost. Now, I have direction. Generation has changed my life considerably.”