Lives Transformed: Celebrating 50,000 Generation India Graduates

Celebrating your skills, your talent, your new job. 50,000 alumni.

We are pleased to share that Generation India has surpassed the milestone of 50,000 graduates – thousands of people, who are now building new careers, supporting their families, and transforming their lives.

Since its inception, Generation India has been dedicated to bridging the skills gap and providing individuals with the training and opportunities needed to secure meaningful employment. Generation India Foundation’s collaborative efforts with various stakeholders, including the government, private sector, and other organizations, play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of unemployment and underemployment.

“Today, we celebrate a remarkable milestone that reflects the hard work, resilience, and determination of our graduates. Each one represents a story of perseverance and triumph over adversity. We are deeply grateful to our partners, whose unwavering support and collaboration have made this achievement possible.”  said Arunesh Singh, Generation India CEO.

Generation India has been offering programs across 100+ cities. These programs provide profession-specific training and placement support in 13 professions spread across demand-driven sectors. With over 50,000 graduates, we have seen 75% job placement for graduates within three months of program completion. Ninety-six percent of our learners are unemployed when they enter the program, but even those who were working see a 3x income increase over what they were making before.

And the results are lasting. Nearly 84% of Generation graduates continue to be employed six months later and 71% of our learners are able to meet daily financial needs and save 2-5 years post training

As part of the global Generation network, which has empowered more than 1,19,000 individuals worldwide, we take pride in our dedication to cultivating extensive, profound, and lasting social impact through skill development. By placing learners and data at the core of our operations, we have consistently improved our skilling programs.

In IndiaGeneration aims to transform the landscape of skill development in India through the implementation of Project AMBER (Accelerated Mission for Better Employment and Retention), a joint initiative of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Generation India Foundation (GIF) under the aegis of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). This project is co-funded by MSDE [under the Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) programme – a programme of MSDE with loan assistance from the World Bank] and private philanthropy, and is supporting 30,000 learners, with a notable emphasis on gender diversity by targeting 50% female participants.